A Critical Theory of Space and Urban Religion

  • Jörg Rüpke

    Professore di Religioni comparate - Universität Erfurt

  • da lunedì 22 Marzo 2021 a venerdì 26 Marzo 2021
Scuola Alti Studi

Schema del corso

1) A new perspective on space and spatial action
2) What is urban religion?
3) Is there anything but cities?

Riferimenti bibliografici
N. Brenner, Ch. Schmid, The ‘Urban Age’ in Question, «International Journal of Urban and Regional Research», 38, 3, 2014, pp. 731-755.
J. Lévy, M. Lussault, Espace, in J. Lévy, M. Lussault (dir.), Dictionnaire de la géographie et de l’espace des sociétés, Paris, Belin, 2013, nouvelle éd. revue et augmentée, pp. 353-360.
S. Ruddick et al., Planetary Urbanization: An Urban Theory for our Time?, «Environment and Planning D: Society and Space», 36, 3, 2018, pp. 387-404.
J. Rüpke, Religion and the Urban, in S. Rau, J. Rüpke (eds.), Religion and Urbanity online, Berlin-Boston, de Gruyter, 2020, pp. 1-16.
B. Werlen, Action, Knowledge, and Social Relations of Space, in P. Meusburger, B. Werlen, L. Suarsana (eds.), Knowledge and Action, Dordrecht, Springer, 2017.

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